Coffeestamp was created by brothers Patrick and Spencer Clapp in 2018 as a micro-roastery. It has since grown to a full service coffee bar in the Fox Park neighborhood of Saint Louis, Missouri. Our mission is simple—deliver the most delicious coffee possible. To do this, we source only the finest coffee beans from around the world. We believe coffee can be roasted in countless ways that make it worthy of writing home about, but we know it can fail every time if the coffee bean wasn't grown and picked with love.

Our caffeine journey started as teenagers - pretty much whenever our mother allowed us to start drinking coffee. Being raised near “La Tigra” National Park in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, we were blessed to start off drinking hand-picked, craft roasted coffee that our neighbors brought us from their farm in Marcala. But this doesn’t mean we’ve never had bad coffee, even ''whatever coffee” is everywhere. We want to help change that.
When we moved to the U.S. in 2012, we immediately noticed the difference between the coffee we used to drink and what we were getting here, not only in the quality but in the prices. Since then, we dreamt of creating a brand that not only represented delicious coffee but also had the stamp of being ethically sourced and provided.